
S‘ Schmidde: Ei, mir warn in demm Johr jo in KDU.

S‘ Krummbach: Unn, wie hats eusch dort gefall?

S‘ Schmidde: Ach Gott, ich kanns garned genau sahn.

S’Krummbach: Jo, es iss ah ned leischd.

S‘ Schmidde: Unnes neckscht Johr fahre mir no JDL.

S‘ Krummbach: Ei, wieso n das?

S‘ Schmidde: Ei weschennemm Schtoischtrand. Damit ned imma alles voll iss mit Sand.

.. garagen ..

nachtrag zur reparatur: las ich grad bei mayröcker, das: „Ich erinnere mich, dasz ich gleich nach dem Krieg in einer  Garage war, um meinen Wagen in Ordnung bringen zu lassen, so Gertrude Stein, ich habe Garagen gern, ich meine ich habe eine Menge Dinge gern, aber Garagen habe ich fast am liebsten“.

.. .. ..

“The God Abandons Antony”
by Constantine P. Cavafy (1863-1933)

When suddenly there is heard at midnight
A company passing invisible
With wonderful music, with voices,―
Your fortune giving way now, your works
Which have failed, the plans of a lifetime
All turned illusions, do not mourn uselessly.
As one prepared long since, courageously,
Say farewell to her, to Alexandria who is leaving.
Above all do not be tricked, never say it was
All a dream, and that your hearing was deceived;
Do not stoop to such vain hopes as these.
As one prepared long since, courageously,
As becomes one worthy as you were of such a city,
Firmly draw near the window,
And listen with emotion but not
With the complainings and entreaties of cowards,
Listen, your last enjoyment, to the sounds
The wonderful instruments of the mystic company,
And say farewell, farewell to Alexandria you are losing.

Translated by John Mavrogordato

.. you know, the grey legface man ..

Ohne Titel (man hiding in pullover) - von Erwin Wurm

aber die wilden grünen elefanten sind kurzsichtig wie zahnärzte, die ins kinn bohren.

die staubsauger aber schreiben kosmetische sonette und schicken sie nach messing.


Siehe auch: Howard Moon, Colon Explorer

Und: Bob Fossil describes some animals.